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Aldingham, Holme East Waver
civil parish:-   Holme East Waver (formerly Cumberland) (roughly) 
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   locality
locality type:-   buildings
1Km square:-   NY1656 (?) 
10Km square:-   NY15
SummaryText:-   Lost to the sea.

Suggested village in the Moricambe Bay area.
Washed away by a tidal wave in the medieval warm period.

Cracknell, Basil E: 2005: Outrageous Waves: Phillimore and Co:: ISBN 1 86077 344 0

SD28247105 Aldingham Hall (Aldingham) L
SD27817003 Aldingham Hall (Aldingham) gone
SD27786983 Aldingham Motte (Aldingham)
SD28227079 coast, Aldingham (Aldingham)
SD28307106 post box, Aldingham (Aldingham)
SD28347104 St Cuthbert's Church (Aldingham) L
SD28287103 seat, Aldingham (Aldingham)
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