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Leonard Memorial, Borrowdale
Leonard Memorial
civil parish:-   Borrowdale (formerly Cumberland) (?) 
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   memorial
coordinates:-   NY246209
1Km square:-   NY2420
10Km square:-   NY22

Memorial to:-
"Thomas Arthur Leonard. Founder of Co-operative and Community Holidays and 'Father' of the open-air movement in this country. Born London March 12th 1864. Died Conway July 19th 1948. Believing That the best things any mortal man hath are those which every mortal man shares, he endeavoured to promote Joy in widest commonality spread."
A minister of the Congregational Church, he arranged holidays for mill workers in 1891, which lead to the formation of the Co-operative Holidays Association, 1892. This became the CHA, Countrywide Holidays Association.

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