Lakes Guides


Placenames A-Z
10Km squares

10Km square NY57

Allergarth, Askerton
Ann's Hill, Bewcastle
Antonstown, Bewcastle
Antonstown Burn
Arthurseat House, Bewcastle
Ash, Bewcastle
Ash Moss, Kingwater
Ashy Cleugh (2)
Ashy Cleugh
Ashycroft, Bewcastle
Askerton parish
Askerton Park, Askerton
Bailey, Bewcastle (2)
Bailey, Bewcastle
Bailey Mill, Bewcastle
Bailey Water
Bankend, Bewcastle
Bankhead, Bewcastle
Banks, Bewcastle
Barron's Pike, Askerton
bastle, Bewcastle (2)
bastle, Bewcastle
bastle house, Askerton
Beacon, Askerton
beacon, Grey Hill
Belbank, Bewcastle
Bellbank, Stapleton
Bellevue, Bewcastle
Bent, Bewcastle
Bew Castle, Bewcastle
Bewcastle Cross, Bewcastle
Bewcastle Mill, Bewcastle
Bewcastle parish
Bewcastle School, Bewcastle
Birch Bush, Askerton
Black Knowe, Bewcastle (2)
Black Lyne
Black Moss, Bewcastle
Black Pool, Bewcastle
Blackpool Gate, Bewcastle
Blackpool Gate Bridge, Bewcastle
Black Preston, Bewcastle
Black Stantling, Bewcastle
Boghead, Bewcastle
Bogside, Askerton
Borderrigg, Bewcastle
Bothrigg Bank, Bewcastle
Bothrigg Burn
Bottle Crag, Askerton
Brackenrow Crag, Bewcastle
Brackenrow Sike
Braes, Bewcastle
Brandling Sike
Breakings, Bewcastle
Brideholm Town, Bewcastle
Brides Gill
Bride's Well, Stapleton
bridge, Bewcastle
Broadford Beck
Broadside, Bewcastle
Brock Knowe, Bewcastle
Brown Hill, Askerton
Brownhill, Bewcastle
Brunt Crag, Bewcastle
Bullcleugh Gate, Askerton
Bull Cleugh
Burnside, Stapleton
Bush, Askerton
Bushley Bank, Askerton
Butt, Askerton
Butterhill, Bewcastle
Byer Cottage, Bewcastle
Cairn o' the Mound, Bewcastle
Caldslop, Bewcastle
Cannon Holes, Bewcastle
cattle trough, Bewcastle (2)
cattle trough, Bewcastle (3)
cattle trough, Bewcastle
Caudbeck Flow, Askerton
chapel, Bewcastle (2)
chapel, Bewcastle
Chapel Knowe, Bewcastle
Churchfield House, Stapleton
Church Gate, Bewcastle
Clarksclose Burn
Clark's Close, Stapleton
Clattering Cottage, Bewcastle
Clattering Ford, Bewcastle
Cleughside, Bewcastle
Cocklet Rigg, Askerton
Coldside, Bewcastle
Collin Bank, Askerton
Common Flatt, Lyne Bank
Craignook, Bewcastle
Craigs, Bewcastle
Crew, Bewcastle
Crew Burn
Crew Castle, Bewcastle
Crew Crag, Bewcastle
Crew Moor, Bewcastle
Croft, Bewcastle
Crook, Bewcastle
Crook Bridge, Lyneholmeford
Crook Burn (2)
Crookburn, Bewcastle
Crookburnfoot, Bewcastle
Crookburnfoot Bridge, Bewcastle
Crookburn Head, Nicholforest
Crook Cottage, Stapleton
Crookgate, Bewcastle
Crook, Lyneholmeford
Crossgreens, Bewcastle
Cross Hill, Bewcastle
Crosshill, Bewcastle
Crossings, Bewcastle
Crossings Inn, Stapleton
Crossings, Stapleton
Crustyhole, Bewcastle
Crying Crags, Bewcastle
Cumcrook, Stapleton
Damhead, Lyneholmeford
Demesne Farm, Bewcastle
Dhu Bog, Bewcastle
Dikehead, Bewcastle
Dirtup, Bewcastle
Dobby's Sike
Dodgsontown, Stapleton
Doe Hill, Askerton
Dormansteads, Stapleton
Dorryfield, Stapleton
Drove Inn, Stapleton
earthwork, Bewcastle
Ellery Cleugh, Bewcastle
Ellery Hill, Bewcastle
Ellery Sike
Elliotstown, Askerton
Espy Well, Askerton
Fawcettlees, Askerton
Fieldhead, Bewcastle
fingerpost, Bewcastle (2)
fingerpost, Bewcastle (3)
fingerpost, Bewcastle (5)
fingerpost, Lyne Bank
fingerpost, Roadhead
fingerpost, Stapleton (4)
fingerpost, Stapleton
Flatt area, Bewcastle
Flatt, Bewcastle
Flatt Lodge, Bewcastle
Florence Hall, Bewcastle
Flosh, The
ford, Bewcastle (2)
ford, Bewcastle (3)
ford, Bewcastle
Fountain Sike
Gaylock Hill, Bewcastle
Gilbert's Hill, Askerton
Gillalees, Askerton
Gillalees Beacon, Askerton
Gill, The
Glebelands, Stapleton
Glenright Beck
Graham's Rigg, Askerton
Greenholme, Lyne Bank
Green Knowe, Askerton
Green Knowe, Bewcastle
Green's Burn
Greensike, Bewcastle
Greyfell Common, Bewcastle
Grey Hill, Bewcastle
Hadyaud, Bewcastle
Hadyaud Sike
Hall Hills, Bewcastle
Hall Sike
Hanshaw, Bewcastle
Hardmanor, Bewcastle
Harepark Cleugh
Harperhill, Stapleton
Harry's Hill, Stapleton
Hazelgill Crag, Askerton
Headgate, Bewcastle
Heather House, Bewcastle
Hennan Bank, Askerton
Hennel Cleugh, Bewcastle
Herd Hill, Askerton
High Burnfoot, Stapleton
High Dappleymoor, Stapleton
High Floweryhirst, Askerton
High Grains, Askerton
High Hall, Askerton
High House, Askerton
High Luckens, Stapleton
High Mossthorn, Stapleton
High Onset, Bewcastle
High Park, Askerton
High Parkfoot, Stapleton
High Sowerbies, Bewcastle
Highstone Common, Bewcastle
High Todholes, Bewcastle
Hill, Bewcastle
Hill Cleugh
Hillend, Bewcastle
Hillend Trees, Bewcastle
Hillhead, Bewcastle (2)
Hillhead, Bewcastle (3)
Hillhead, Bewcastle (4)
Hobbie Noble's Well, Bewcastle
Hob's Rigg, Bewcastle
Holehead, Bewcastle
Hole of Lyne, Bewcastle
Hollinhill Gate, Bewcastle
Holmehead, Bewcastle
Horse and Farrier, Bewcastle
hospital, Bewcastle
house, Askerton
Island, Stapleton
Jobscleugh, Askerton
Job's Cleugh
Kays Bank, Stapleton
Kettle Beck
Kiln Knowe, Bewcastle
Kiln Sike
Kilnstown, Bewcastle
Kingwater parish
Kinkry Hill Cottage, Roadhead
Kinkry Hill Lodge, Roadhead
Kinkry Hill, Roadhead
Kirkbeckstown, Lyne Bank
Kirk Beck
Kitty Beck
Knowe Farm, Bewcastle
Lady Moss, Bewcastle
Lay Holes, Askerton
Lea Hole, Bewcastle
limekiln, Askerton
limekiln, Bewcastle (10)
limekiln, Bewcastle (11)
limekiln, Bewcastle (12)
limekiln, Bewcastle (13)
limekiln, Bewcastle (16)
limekiln, Bewcastle (5)
limekiln, Bewcastle (6)
limekiln, Bewcastle (7)
limekiln, Bewcastle (8)
limekiln, Bewcastle (9)
limekiln, Bewcastle
Limekiln, Bewcastle
limekiln, Holmehead (2)
limekiln, Holmehead
limekiln, Kays Bank
limekiln, Kirkby Lonsdale
Linns, Bewcastle
Lion's Brae, Askerton
Loan, Bewcastle
Long Crag, Bewcastle (2)
Long Crag, Bewcastle
Longrigg Common, Stapleton
Longrigg Moss, Stapleton
Longrigg School, Stapleton
Longrigg, Stapleton (2)
Longrigg, Stapleton
Long Sike (3)
Low Burnfoot, Stapleton
Low Dappleymoor, Stapleton
Low Floweryhirst, Askerton
Low Grains, Bewcastle
Low House, Bewcastle
Low Mossthorn, Stapleton
Low Park, Askerton
Low Park House, Askerton
Low Park moss, Askerton
Low Todholes, Bewcastle
Low Town, Bewcastle
Luke's Cottage, Askerton
Luke's House, Askerton
Lyne Bank, Bewcastle
Lyne Bank Bridge, Lyne Bank
Lyne Bank house, Lyne Bank
Lynecrook, Stapleton
Lyneholme Ford Corn Mill, Lyneholmeford
Lyneholmeford, Stapleton
Lyneholme, Lyneholmeford
Lynes, Askerton
Lynestead, Bewcastle
Mains, Bewcastle
Manse, Bewcastle
Marian's Bank, Bewcastle
Martin's Bank, Bewcastle
Melefarm Beck
Mewsgate, Askerton
Mid Todhills Farm, Bewcastle
Miller's Sike
Mirygate, Lyne Bank
Mollen Wood, Askerton
Moorfoot, Askerton
Mossend, Bewcastle
Mossfoot, Askerton
Mount Hulie, Askerton
Muckle Knowe, Bewcastle
Muckleyeat, Bewcastle
Murrayholme, Bewcastle
museum, Bewcastle
Myre, Bewcastle
Nether Hill, Bewcastle
Nether Oakshaw, Bewcastle
New House, Bewcastle
Nixonstown, Bewcastle
Noblestown, Lyne Bank
Nook, Bewcastle
North Greenhill, Stapleton
Nunscleugh, Bewcastle
Oakshaw, Bewcastle
Oakshaw Ford, Bewcastle
Oakshawford Bridge, Bewcastle
Oakstock, Askerton
Oaky Sike
Old Rectory, Bewcastle
Old Town, Stapleton
Park Farm, Bewcastle
Park Gate, Askerton
Parkgate Bridge, Askerton
Parkhead, Bewcastle
Park Nook Farm, Bewcastle
Park School, Bewcastle
Pasturehead, Bewcastle
Pattenside, Bewcastle
Pattieshill, Stapleton
Peel O'Hill, Bewcastle
Peelstead Well, Bewcastle
Pelaw Hill, Bewcastle
Pie Knowe, Bewcastle
Pike, Bewcastle
Pikefoot, Bewcastle
police house, Roadhead
post box, Stapleton
Priest's Well, Bewcastle
Prylancy Rigg, Kingwater
Pumptree Gate, Askerton
Rack, Bewcastle
Rae Holes, Bewcastle
Raeholes Sike
Raw Hill, Bewcastle
Rawney, Bewcastle
Redgatehead, Bewcastle
Red Sike (2)
Red Skirts, Bewcastle
Riggfoot, Bewcastle
Rigghead, Askerton
Roadhead, Bewcastle
roadsign, Bewcastle
Roanstrees, Bewcastle
Robin Hood's Well, Askerton
roman cross, Bewcastle
roman fort, Bewcastle
roman signal station, Askerton
Room's Crag, Askerton
Rotten Grain
Rough Sike (3)
Roughsike, Roadhead
Round Crag, Bewcastle
Round Greencot, Stapleton
Roundgreen Well, Stapleton
Rowe, Bewcastle
Rushy Crag, Bewcastle
Rye Knowe, Bewcastle
Sandcrook, Bewcastle
Sandy's Crag, Askerton
Sandy Sike (2)
Saughs, Bewcastle
Saughtrees, Bewcastle
school, Bewcastle (2)
school, Bewcastle
school, Roadhead
Scotstown, Bewcastle
Shawhead, Bewcastle
Shealahill, Bewcastle
sheepfold, Bewcastle (2)
sheepfold, Bewcastle (3)
sheepfold, Bewcastle
Shiel Knowe, Bewcastle
Shopford, Bewcastle
Shopford Bridge, Bewcastle
Shopmoss Knowe, Askerton
Show, Askerton
Show Burn
Side, Askerton
Side Fell, Askerton
Slacks, Bewcastle
Slaty Crag, Bewcastle
Smithsteads, Askerton
smithy, Lyneholmeford
Snouts, Bewcastle
Sockles Stell, Bewcastle
Sorbies, Bewcastle
Spadeadam, Kingwater
Stack Cleugh
Stapleton parish
St Cuthbert, Bewcastle
Steppings, Bewcastle
St Mary, Stapleton
Stockastead, Bewcastle
Stoneknowe, Bewcastle
Stoneknowe Gate, Bewcastle
Stonygate End, Bewcastle
Strands Head, Bewcastle
Stubb, Bewcastle
sundial, Bewcastle
Swangy, Bewcastle
tile works, Stapleton
Toe, Bewcastle
Tory Bridge, Stapleton
tower, Bewcastle
Tower Brae, Askerton
Towerbrae Cairn, Askerton
tower, Winter Shields
Townfoot, Bewcastle
Underheugh, Bewcastle
Underwood, Bewcastle
village hall, Roadhead
war memorial, Bewcastle (2)
war memorial, Bewcastle
war memorial, Stapleton
Watch Rigg, Bewcastle
Wellington Gate, Bewcastle
Whams, Bewcastle
Whams Sike
Whintingstown, Bewcastle
Whistle Bare, Bewcastle
Whitberry Burn
White Beck (3)
Whitebeck, Bewcastle
Whitegate, Stapleton
White Knowe, Askerton
White Preston, Bewcastle (2)
White Preston, Bewcastle
White Rigg, Kingwater
Whiteside End, Bewcastle
Wilderness, Bewcastle
Windy Hill, Stapleton
Winter Shields, Askerton
Woodhead, Askerton
Woodhead Crags, Askerton
Woodside, Bewcastle
Yeat Sike