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Map Miscellany

A miscellany of topographical maps, geological maps, railway maps, and road maps, of the old counties of Westmorland, Cumberland, Lancashire north of the sands, and Yorkshire, now the county of Cumbria, including the Lake District. The selection is limited by availability and access; it has grown to be a useful checklist of maps, a cartobibliography, for the area. Mostly, high quality scanned images have been made from items in public and private collections: to whom we are very grateful.

Access to some maps has been hampered; one local authority wants to scan its own maps, but has no budget or plans to do so, a sad attitude when we have offered to scan for free as a contractor; what we thought was the idea of the Big Society.

Some map images are taken from poor photocopies, or made by hand held photography: you take what you can get.

NB: maps that are not illustrated are not included in the alphabetical or date lists. They can be accessed through the checklist menus.

button for map indexes Map indexes.

Thank you particularly:-

  Andrew Aindow
  Chris Chambers
  Rod Ireland
  David Webb
  Vivian Wright

  Armitt Library and Museum
  Hampshire CC Museums Service
  National Library of Scotland
  Winchester College
  Wordsworth Trust, Dove Cottage
  Kendal Library, Local Studies
  Carlisle Library, Local Studies
  Keswick Museum

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