button to main menu   Ford 1839 map NY66
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Note: some of these makers maps may not show this square
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares

Ford 1839 map
(Area of roughly corresponding to Ford 1839 map NY66 plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  JandMN (100_1)
image:-  © see bottom of page
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Ash Cleugh -- "Ash Cleugh Hill"
button -- Birdoswald -- "Birdoswald"
button -- Blenkinsopp Castle -- "Blenkinsopp"
button -- Closegill -- "Clowsgill"
button -- Gilsland Spa -- "Gilsland Spa"
button -- Greenhead -- "Greenhead"
button -- Greenhole -- "Greenhole"
button -- Hadrian's Wall
button -- Irthing, River -- "R. Irthing"
button -- Nether Denton -- "Nether Denton"
button -- New Angerton -- "Angerton"
button -- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway-- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway-- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway-- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway-- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway -- "NEWCASTLE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY"
button -- Redpeth Farm -- "Red Path"
button -- Roachburn -- "Beach Barn"
button -- Haltwhistle to Brampton
button -- Magnis Roman Fort -- "Mogna"
button -- Rose Hill -- "Rosehill"
button -- Thirlwall -- "Thirlwall"
button -- Upper Denton -- "Upp. Denton"
button -- Walltown -- "Wall Town"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Nether Denton
    Upper Denton

button to Lakes menu Lakes Guides menu.
goto NY57 goto NY67 goto NY77 goto NY56 goto NY76 goto NY55 goto NY65 goto NY75 back to index map