button to main menu   Ford 1839 map NY31
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Note: some of these makers maps may not show this square
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares

Ford 1839 map
(Area of roughly corresponding to Ford 1839 map NY31 plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  JandMN (100_1)
image:-  © see bottom of page
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Blowick -- "Blow Wick"
button -- Brothers Water -- "Brothers Water"
button -- City -- "City"
button -- Deepdale -- "Deepdale"
button -- Dunmail Raise Stones -- "Dunmail Raise Stones"
button -- Glencoyne -- "Glencoyne"
button -- Glenridding -- "Glenridding"
button -- Grisedale Tarn
button -- Grisedale -- "Grisdale"
button -- Harryman's -- "Harrymans"
button -- Helvellyn -- "Helvellin"
button -- King's Head -- "Dale Head Inn"
button -- Patterdale Hall -- "Patterdale Hall"
button -- Patterdale -- "Patterdale"
button -- Ambleside to Keswick -- "K to A 17 Ms."
button -- Kirkstone to Patterdale -- "A to P 25 Ms."
button -- Patterdale to Penrith
button -- Stenock -- "Stanwick"
button -- Thirlmere -- "Thirle Water"
button -- Ullswater -- "ULLES WATER"-- Ullswater-- Ullswater -- "ULLES WATER"-- Ullswater -- "ULLES WATER"
button -- Wythburn -- "Wythburn" -- "Waterhead"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn

button to Lakes menu Lakes Guides menu.
goto NY22 goto NY32 goto NY42 goto NY21 goto NY41 goto NY20 goto NY30 goto NY40 back to index map