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Little Strickland parish
Little Strickland
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY5620
10Km square:-   NY52
10Km square:-   NY51
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Little Strickland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.
"Little Strickland"

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Litle Strickland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.
"Litle Strickland"

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 68 (1971)

place:-   Little Strickland Constablewick

NY559208 Bank, Little Strickland suggested
NY56432183 Blands, Little Strickland 
NY56221878 Capple Rigg, Little Strickland 
NY56231964 Church View, Little Strickland L
NY56381963 Greyhound House, Little Strickland L
NY56011927 Harrowstead Hill, Thrimby 
NY56421946 High Hall, Little Strickland L
NY56291967 Little Strickland 
NY56361970 Low Hall, Little Strickland L out of sight
NY56122105 Moorriggs, Little Strickland L
NY56261976 Old School, Little Strickland 
NY56271970 post box, Little Strickland 
NY55782056 railway bridge, Thrimby (6) 
NY55841873 railway tunnel, Little Strickland gone?
NY55362146 Sheriff Park, Little Strickland 
NY55312178 Sheriff's Park Wood, Little Strickland 
NY56251973 St Mary, Thrimby L
NY56122105 stone wall, Little Strickland 
NY56632114 Strickland Lodge Farm, Little Strickland 
NY55812063 Thrimby Mill, Little Strickland 
NY55502029 Thrimby, Little Strickland 
NY55332131 Town Gill 
NY56291979 Townend Farm, Little Strickland L
NY56281974 village hall, Little Strickland 
NY56201979 Webster House, Little Strickland 
NY56451952 Yew Tree Cottage, Little Strickland 
 Lancaster and Carlisle Railway 
NY56272115 Sandriggs, Little Strickland L
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