gazetteer links
places may or may not be labelled
on the map
-- Birk Beck -- "Burhek flu:"
-- Borrow Beck -- "Barrow flu:"
-- Bretherdale Beck
-- Bretherdale Foot -- "Brederdale foote"
-- Bretherdale Hall -- "Brederdale foote"
-- Bretherdale Head -- "Brederdale head"
-- Chapel Beck
-- Coatflatt Hall -- "Cotesflat"
-- Forest Hall -- "Fawsetwood"
-- Hawse House (?) -- "Hawse howse"
-- Low Borrow Bridge
-- Low Scales -- "Skales"
-- Lune, River -- "Lune flu:"
-- Orton -- "Orton"
-- Roundthwaite -- "Runthwate"
-- Tebay -- "Tybay"
-- Whinfell -- "Whinfeld"
-- Whinfell Beacon -- "Whinfeld hill"
civil parishes
The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-
Shap Rural
Orton S
Fawcett Forest
Strickland Roger
Whitwell and Selside
Crosby Ravensworth
Lakes Guides menu.